What is Game Changers?
Game Changers are events designed to inspire and equip Christ followers to live out their calling in all spheres of life (work, family, hobbies, church, ...)
Who is Game Changers for?
Game Changer events are for any follower of Christ who wants to grow in their leadership. Our desire is to see the Kingdom of God grow not just one church or ministry. All are welcome and able to invite anyone who might benefit from the event.
When does Game Changers happen?
Game Changer events happen on select Sundays from 6:30-8pm. Check back often to see when the next event is taking place!
What does an event look like?
Each month will include built in time to discuss how to apply the Leadership Topic of the month into your everyday life. This will also foster growth as leaders share with each other.
6:30-7:00 Meal & Game or Activity
7:00-7:15 Teaching and Scriptural Focus
7:15-7:45 Guided Discussion
7:45-8:00 Gift/Blessing & prayer