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  • How long is the Summer Program?
    The Summer Program will be Tuesdays from 9 AM to 3 PM - June 16, 23, 30 and July 7, 14, 21. You may choose to attend 5 weeks or all 6 weeks. We are offering this flexibility to accommodate vacations. Our regular school year handbook will pertain to the summer program. This includes illness, drop off/pick up, fees, discipline.
  • How much does it cost?
    The fee for 6 weeks is $240 and the fee for 5 weeks is $200. 100% of tuition is due at the time of enrollment. No refunds will be given*. Our regular school year handbook will pertain to the summer program. This includes illness, drop off/pick up, fees, discipline. *We need to have 10 students enrolled in order to proceed with the class. If we don't have enough students enrolled, you will receive a refund.
  • Who is eligible for the PCCP Summer Program?
    Eligible children are students who have attended PCCP for preschool (going into pre k) or Pre K (going into kindergarten) and have no outstanding balance on the school year tuition.
  • How do I sign up?
    You can use this link to enroll. The deadline for enrollment is Monday, May 4th, 2020.
  • Do you provide lunches?
    Children will be responsible for bringing a lunch each day. Water will be served at lunch so no juice boxes please. You will also be asked to donate one snack item for the children to share at snack time.
  • What will my child do during this program?
    The focus of this program is to continue working on skills throughout the summer and to make the transition to the following school year easier. We will provide learning activities similar to our regular school year program.
  • What if I have a question that isn't answered here?
    As always, feel free to email our director and ask any questions you may have!
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