The beginning of a new year is often filled with dreams of personal transformation. We work toward eliminating bad habits, exercising more, and setting goals that we want to achieve. We are excited for the challenges of a new year, but what if the real change we need is something that God wants to do in us during this season.
Turning Points are significant moments where lasting change occurs. In this series, we will explore the moments where everything changed for people as they encountered Jesus; and we will ask the question, “What is it that God wants to change in me?”
Go for a 30-minute walk this week.
At each intersection, pray this prayer: “God, soften my heart of stone and give me a new heart. Give me your spirit and the courage to trust whichever way You lead.”
Choose one opportunity to “come & see” at PCC and invite one person to join you.
Old Testament Bible Study - Click Here for more information
Women’s Study - Click Here for more information or to register
Financial Peace University - Click Here for more information or to register
Marriage Retreat - Click Here for more information or to register
Life Groups - For more information or to join a group, contact Katrina Schnepp at katrina@pendcc.org
Winter Weekend - Click Here for more information or to register
Next Steps - If you would like to attend a class, contact Katrina Schnepp at katrina@pendcc.org
Is there something in your past you avoid? Something you hope nobody finds out about? Write it down on a piece of paper. Take 5 minutes to pray, recognize that He knows, and thank Him for His love and forgiveness. Then rip up the paper and throw it away!
Think about a relationship in your life that has been fractured. It could be because of something you said or did or something they said or did. Pray about what steps you can take to move toward restoration. Once you know what you can do, in humility work toward restoration.
Turning Point # 1
Who is Jesus?
Turning Point # 3
Does my story matter?
Turning Point # 2
Can I really trust the Bible?
Turning Point # 4
Can God really forgive me?